Power Performance With The Snap Pixel

Learn how the Pixel can help your business build audiences, measure important events, and drive results.

What Can You Do with the Pixel?

The Snap Pixel helps you measure campaigns, reach new audiences, and optimize for key actions.

Bitmoji of a person standing next to a graph
Measure events that matter

See all the actions that take place on your website after someone clicks on your ad.

Bitmoji of a lady yelling into a microphone.
Reach the best audience

Create custom and lookalike audiences based on your website activity.

Bitmoji of a guy doing calculations in his head.
Optimize based on true results

Understand the success of your campaigns by observing conversions in real time.

How to Install The Snap Pixel

Watch our step-by-step video guides on how to install your Snap Pixel.

Install manually on your website

Install with Google Tag Manager (Part 1)

Install with Google Tag Manager (Part 2)

Install with Shopify

Check out our dedicated guide to the Snapchat Ads App on Shopify, which enables simplified pixel installation.

Install with Shopify
Bitmoji of a lady on a laptop.

Install the Snap Pixel with a Website Builder

On a Squarespace site
  1. Open the Code Injection Panel.

  2. Select the “header” section of code.

  3. Paste your pixel code in the header section of every page you want to track.

  4. Click “Save.”¹

On a Wordpress site
  1. Wordpress recommends installing and activating the free Insert Headers and Footers plugin by WPCode.

  2. Go to your Wordpress site.

  3. Go to your dashboard, select Code Snippets on the left side, then select Header & Footer.

  4. Paste your pixel code into the Header box and click the “Save Changes” button.²

On a Wix site
  1. Go to your site's dashboard and select Settings.

  2. Select the Custom Code tab under “Advanced.”

  3. Select “+ Add Custom Code” at the top right.

  4. Paste in your Pixel code. 

  5. Enter a name for your Pixel code.

  6. Add your code to every page you want to track.

  7. Make sure to paste your code in the header.

  8. Click Apply.³

After You Install Your Pixel

After installing, you can create custom audiences and allocate your budget more effectively.

Icon of 3 people.
Step 1: Create a Pixel Custom Audience and Run Your Campaign

Pixel Custom Audiences are developed based on the specific actions people are taking on your website, such as purchases, pageviews, or add-to-carts.

Icon of 3 phones.
Step 2: Complete the Exploration Phase

Snap recommends spending at least $30 USD a day for 15 days and not changing your ad for the first 3-4 days. Completing the exploration phase allows Snap to show your ad to the people most likely to become customers.

Icon of a phone with graphs on it.
Step 3: Check Your Event Quality Score

Event Quality Score, located in Events Manager, measures how effectively your conversion events are matching to a Snapchat account. Use the video below to get your EQS to at least a 6/10.

Snapchat ad for Valyou

Reaching the Right Shoppers

Valyōu Furniture uses the Snap Pixel with their Snapchat ads to help increase their reach, get more sales, and reduce their advertising costs.

Valyou Furniture used the Snap Pixel to build custom audiences, which helped result in an impressive 80x return on ad spend.

Ready to Install Your Snap Pixel?

Get improved insights, better ad results, and advertise to people more likely to become customers.

Install PixelCreate an Ad

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Snap Pixel?

The Snap Pixel is a tool that helps advertisers measure results, optimize audience targeting, and build audiences for their ad campaigns. 

It’s a piece of JavaScript code that’s either installed on your website or integrated with an e-commerce store, such as Shopify, BigCommerce, or WooCommerce.

  • Know what matters most. See all the actions that people take on your website after they see an ad. When you attribute the conversions back to your ad campaigns, you’ll understand the true impact.

  • Reach the right people. Create Pixel Custom Audiences to reach people who’ve already engaged with your business. Or create Lookalike Audiences to reach people who are similar to your current customers.

  • Optimize your campaigns. Analyze results in real time and use goal-based bidding to optimize toward the action that someone is most likely to take.

What can I track with the Snap Pixel?

You can track a variety of actions on your website, such as page views, add-to-cart actions, purchases, and sign-ups. This will give you a better understanding of how your Snapchat ads are driving website conversions, such as purchases and lead form submissions.

Note: you can’t use the Pixel to send certain types of data to Snap, like health-related or other sensitive data. Please review our privacy and security FAQs to learn more about your obligations and what data you cannot send.

Is the Snap Pixel free to use?


How do I know if the Snap Pixel is working correctly?

You can use the Snap Pixel Helper tool to test your Snap Pixel. It’ll show you whether your Snap Pixel is installed correctly and receiving data from your website. See the Snap Pixel Helper user guide to learn how to test your Snap Pixel

You can also validate Pixel events with the Pixel Test Event tool. This will help you see whether your Pixel integration is set up right and whether Pixel events have successfully reached Snapchat’s servers. See the Pixel Test Event user guide to learn how to validate Pixel events.

What is the Event Quality Score?

The Event Quality Score (EQS) indicates how effectively conversion events are being matched to a Snapchat account, using customer parameters and identity signals from your data.

Having a higher score means your ads are being delivered to more Snapchat users who are more likely to take the action you want. This can help you get more conversions at a lower cost.

Read our guide to learn more about the Event Quality score.

What kind of data does the Snap Pixel collect?

The Snap Pixel collects data on user activity on your website, such as page views, add-to-cart actions, purchases, and sign-ups.

What are the legal requirements for using the Snap Pixel?

You must — and it is your responsibility to — understand and follow applicable laws when implementing the Snap Pixel. You must implement the Pixel (and configure your own websites) in a manner that honors users’ privacy and data protection rights. Review our privacy and security FAQs to learn more about your obligations.

1 Squarespace, “Using Code Injection,” retrieved 2023. Available at https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/205815908-Using-code-injection.
2 WordPress.com, “Adding Code to Headers,” retrieved 2023. Available at https://wordpress.com/support/adding-code-to-headers/.
3 Wix, “Embedding Custom Code on Your Site,” retrieved 2023. Available at https://support.wix.com/en/article/embedding-custom-code-on-your-site.